Delwood Neighborhood Alliance (DNA)

DelWood Neighborhood Alliance (DNA) – Working Together, Lifting Our Community
Our organization is located in Modesto’s Northwest quadrant. Our boundaries are Tully Road to 9th Street and Briggsmore Ave. to Coldwell Ave. There are 2,000 residences within our boundaries. Two city parks, Pike Park and Garrison Park are located in our area as well as Garrison Elementary School.
Our group was formed in 2009 by Susan O’Neil to address issues relating to crime and safety, code enforcement and vacant homes largely due to the mortgage/financial crisis facing our country. “Our mission as volunteers is to make our neighborhoods safe, clean and beautiful through neighbor involvement.”
We have done several neighborhood beautification projects. On two occasions we cleaned-up ALL the alleys within our boundaries filling two large Bertolotti dumpsters with sofas, chairs, mattresses and tires. We picked up litter, removed graffiti, painted the garbage cans, picnic tables and the bathrooms in both parks. Our alliance
worked with Modesto Parks and Recreation providing input on improvements to Pike Park including playground
equipment, a restroom, and better lighting. Our general meetings have strived to educate and empower our members.
Our speakers have included city council members, mayors, police chiefs, crime prevention officers, a canine unit,
as well as speakers from Family Promise, MNI and Church in the Park and a pharmacist talking on the opiate crisis.
In the future we plan to donate money to Garrison Elementary School to be used to reward students for modeling
good behavior. We are looking to partner with a restaurant to help us raise funds. We also hope to increase our
alliance membership, especially with younger adults.
Presently, you may contact us on Facebook.